For the first time in my more than 50 years young life, it’s Christmas morning and I am sitting here at home, with time for myself.
No relatives and friends, just my husband and me. No travelling as usual. No gathering with any spiritual community. Alone. At Home.
It was a need as I got a flu. Yet, as soon as we decided to step back and stay home, and after a good night of long sleep and a day of resting - all the flu and the sickness are already gone. And today I feel so alive, vibrant in the body and crystal-clear in the mind. So warm and joyful in my heart.
Once again, reminding myself how important and sometimes ”kind of magic” can be prioritizing our needs and deep feelings, connecting with our Self and acting according to our deeper thruth of the moment. Eventually unfolding the hidden beauty and love of our hearts.
Today’s Note from the Self
The most whorthy intention to preserve in our lives is that of connecting with ourselves - giving priority to our deep feelings and needs, and also to our growth, expansion of awareness, evolution.
To the connection with what is sacred and divine in us. As it is there where we are born - every day!Then every day becomes sacred - because we honor it. Every day is a HOLIday. Then our time on this planet becomes sacred! Every instant full of presence, awareness of the spirit that we are. Full of Life and Joy.
May these Holy-days be a time for changing difficult and challenging energies into energies of transformation and expansion towards the experience and fullness of Who We Are. May these days of celebration be sacred and bring great Love, Wisdom and Light to your Life and to whatever you encounter. May your life be a blessing for whatever you touch and for the planet where you live.
Wherever we are - alone or with friends - may these Holy-days bring Joy and Peace to your Hearts first and foremost. This is the gift we give of ourselves to the world!
On Christmas Day, no better day to give Birth to my Substack OMLife Letter as a way to sharing a path: experiences, practices and realizations on a journey of deepening connection with myself, others and nature.
Hope it will inspire you, and serve you. Hope you will enjoy my sharing Notes From the Self and Self-Connection practices . You are precious!
Upcoming ways to connect:
HOLY Day - 1 Day Online Retreat in English on Sunday 15th January on Zoom
A full day with yourself to nurture your vital energy with t5ransformative practices and give it direction to start the year with INTENTION and CONNECTION to your hearts and deeper meaning, to your wisdom and ability to listen and nourish your most intimate feelings.